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what is body doubling?

Body doubling is an executive functioning tool that works for many ADHD and ASD people. The idea is that you are able to get mundane tasks done more easily when someone is working alongside you. It is particularly important that this be a supportive, non-judgemental person - they don't tell you what to do, they simply exist along with you as you do it.


I have designed a virtual body doubling group that I feel reflects the true value of neurodivergents helping neurodivergents. We meet on specific days/times via Zoom and get tasks done together, along with a mini celebration at the end. The groups are donation-only and are meant to help you get the mundane tasks done that you need to in order to create YOUR idea of a life of ease, joy, and fulfillment.

how do I sign up?

Below are the current days/times that the groups are being held. Select the one you prefer and fill out the form. You will be sent the link and details of the group before the next meetup.

Wednesdays @ 11am Eastern Standard Time

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tell the truth. to yourself first, then to the children.

- Maya Angelou
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